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My order for Star Wars Video Games

Posted on:January 1, 2025Β atΒ 06:00 PM

I recently started re-watching all of the Star Wars cannon and non-cannon, following the official Star Wars ErasπŸ”— guide - with a couple of my own additions of course - but I realized that they included a bunch of the video games on there. However, the Eras guide doesn’t include all of the video games Star Wars has released, so I started scouring the web for a guide that had at least the majority of them in order.

If you want to just play the recent, Disney-certified cannon games these guides are pretty great:

But, for the perfectionist in me, who owns a lot of Star Wars games on Steam, I knew I needed to find a more complete list. After a bit of searching, I was able to find this one: A Chronology of Star Wars GamesπŸ”—, which conveniently comes with a cool timeline on the left side of the page. The other benefit of this list is that it includes the LEGO Star Wars games, which are some of my personal favourites, and need a spot on the chronological list.

Star Wars Timeline Website Screenshot

However, this one is a little over the top (and is missing the games past ~2017), so I added all of the games I currently own to a list (or collection?) on HowLongToBeatπŸ”—. As there are more Steam Sales, I will add more of the games to my collection, and then add them to this collection - since that is not confusing at all. For now the only challenge is to get through my chronological list up to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderπŸ”—, before I get that far in the Star Wars Eras list. Maybe its time to make a list combining both of them and post it here?

If you need an easier list there are a couple available on the internet:

Star Wars HowLongToBeat List Screenshot